Monday, September 26, 2011

New Horses!!!!!!!!!

 I've finally rediscovered my creative drive after almost a year of drought, now I've been on a roll for a little over a week and gotten these two guys finished.
 The first is a Albronzo that's been in progress/transition for three years! I call him " Creative Anarchy" because every time I though I had his personality nailed down he did a about face and went in a totally different direction :lol:  He started as a palomino, then became a buckskin, the closest he got to finished was as a very dark liver chestnut with minimal marking, he sat like that for over a year and I just couldn't get motivated to finish detailing him out :( Then last week I realized I have just a little over a month until CRAB and upon review of my collection I found that I had sold about half of what I took last year and found that the humidity of this summer had caused my Emboldened to  slip in his base leaving him leaning against the back of the cabinet and now he has a nice size spot on his barrel :( Anyway all this motivated my to take stock of my body/WIP closet and this guy jumped out at me saying he was ready to be finished so I went at him and turned his liver coat to a sunburned black and added some nice understated tobiano markings and in a effort to expand my horizons I tried my hand a a bi-colored eye which came out surprisingly well.  
 While I was still on CA's marking I grabbed another long running unfinished project from the closet. I got Mini Z dirt cheep on eBay a few years ago, like $25 cheep. Why you might ask? She was third quality, a bubble/divot on her face and no legs from the knees/hocks down :shock:  She was in BAD shape, I sculpted new lower legs with field condition feathering  and filled out her profile to be more stockish and she's sat like that for longer than I want to think about :lol:  While scrolling through my photo morgue in search of pattern references for CA I flashed past some pics of ImAPardoxTu's(I hope you don't mind that I used you gal for insperation and hope that I did her justice :D ) Lacey that she had posted back when she was in foal and knew I had to try is for Z even though it's a very intimidating color/pattern for me. She turned into one very intense week long marathon painting session that commenced just a few hours ago :wink:  Needless to say my hands are very tired and I still have at least three more horses to try to get done before Oct 29, hopefully my muse will stay entertained for awhile longer :lol: 
 So here are the fruits of my labor, what do you think?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Metal Clay and Rediscovering my Muse

 Recently I realized that I had never showed off the Metal Clay project that combines so many of my creative interests.
This piece is titled :"Henna's Horse" and started life last winter as a pen and ink drawing in my series of "Inspired Horses"  then this spring when I started playing in Metal Clay it got drafted to become my first foray into mold carving and casting and I'm really thrilled with how it turned out :)
 In other new my Muse is beginning to peak her her out of the dark corner she's been hiding in, I'm currently working on finishing up/overhauling a Albrozo that has been in the work for two years now. I started him with the intention of him being a dark liver chestnut with just two low stocking on the rear and a star with a stripe but quickly lost interest in him while working on his marking. He is now being reborn as a  lightly sunburned black (luckily a easy transition from liver) moderate splash paint, and boy is he looking good! I'm almost finished his whites, two more coats should do, then I can pink his nose and bits and detail him out and as soon as he's done I'll try to get some decent pics of him to post.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Still no Studio, but yet another new endeavor.

Well I still don't have my studio set up. I got some work started toward that end but we had a very strange winter weather wise that has kept me from transferring the bulk of my equipment from the old house to the new, not to mention having my nephew every day all day. But it's all right as I haven't been inspired in a long time to work on any horses, the most that I've gotten done in the last six months or so is prepping and primming my Valentine and Heartbreaker. I got that far then I started questioning the colors that I had chosen for them, and there they sit, forlornly waiting for me to make up my mind what I want to do with them.
 In the meanwhile I've finally got to put my Jewelry design course to good use. I bit the bullet and invested in a ArtClay silver starter kit and I'm in love!

 This guy is my first project(sorry about the less than stellar pics, sliver is VERY hard to photograph well.) I used ArtClay silver clay that when fired renders to .999 fine silver. This stuff is so cool to use! When in the clay state you can work it just like any air drying clay, then when you fire it, it can be working in all the traditional metalworking techniques. The clay work on this piece was fairly easy for me, I put to use a lot of what I have learned while sculpting in ApoxiSculpt and SuperSculpy for the model horses. The torch firing was a little scary, but after I got in to it, it wasn't as bad as I feared and I didn't melt my pendant. YAY! Once I was done firing I cleaned and polished my pendant and bezel set a itty-bitty round brilliant cut Aquamarine for the eye, this was a learning experience. Silly me I followed the manufactures instruction that said there would be a 8% shrinkage rate, yea, I got maybe a 5% shrinkage so I had to do a LOT more working to get the stone set firmly, but in the end I think it turned out really well for a first try. I titled and signed it "Fighting Fish" on the back, which was super easy to do with a pin tool before firing. Now on to decide which project I want to do next, I have a sketch book with a ton of designs to pick from at the ready. So many designs, so little clay :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year and New Endenevors

Well since my studio is not yet set up in the new house I've had lots of time to work on other forms of art that I have been letting slide. The biggest and only completed project so far is a series of eight horse head motifs that I not only drew but also digitized in PhotoShop in less than two weeks totally from start to finish. Now that may not sound like a big deal to some people, but for me that is a really quick turnaround on any drawing and add in the fact that this is the first time that I have drawn anything other than realistic style horses Once I had all the horses done I was left wondering what I was going to do with them other than let them sit in my portfolio where no one other than myself would see them. So after I did a little research I went ahead and opened a CafePress shop
and now all my drawing are available on a multitude of products. Now to only have a few spare dollars(in other words I REALLY need to stop buying plastic ponies ) to buy some of my own stuff

The other thing I've been working on is getting back into quilting. I finished a king bedspread top that I had been working on for well over a year, now I just need to back, tie and bind it, the only thing holding me up is some alterations that need to be made on my quilting frame so that it will accommodate a quilt of this size. I also made a quilted tree skirt and matching table runner in a spiral pattern, seeing as some how, during the move we lost the tree skirt that we had I've also ventured into the realm of applique. I made three simple applique wall hangings that I gave away as Christmas gifts, the next applique projects on my to do list is this cute dragon baby blanket that I want to do for my nephew and if I can find a simple enough project a horse themed quilt for my niece. Now to only get my studio set back up so that I can start creating new horses too.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Holidays are here again.

Wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season and good wishes for the New Year.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Live show Blues

I went to my first live show on Saturday. What a waste of time and money. If that is what all live shows are like I don't know why anyone would bother. I kind of expected other hobbyist to to be you know, friendlier. Wrong. On the one side of me the only words that the lady said to me during the whole ten hours that I was there was "Do you want my extra chair" On the other side was this kid and her entourage(Mom, Dad and Grandmother) whom I was surprised to see there since the show packet clearly stated no children. And of course in the way of things, the kid was a spoiled brat who kept glaring at my half of the table where I had my meager show string laid out. Then when one of the vendors left the show early, her and her parents commandeered that whole table along with the half a table that they already had. I mean really, if they knew she needed a whole table why did they only pay for half?
My other big peeve of the day was one judge in particular who should not have been judging. She must have brought 300+ horses with her and she clearly couldn't manage them, seeing as she was late for every class she entered even the ones before the divisions that she was judging started. Meaning that every class she had horses in, which was most of them, and all the classes she was supposed to be judging was late. Not only that but she was extremely rude to the other judges, snapping at them when they were calling second and third warnings before closing classes for judging and giving final warnings to remove abandonded horses from past classes from the rings, but I also saw her shoving other showers out of her way and just being generally unpleasant.
 As for the actual showing of my horses it was pretty much a bust, only three of my guys that I got to show even placed ,with Lady A being the only one who did fairly well, taking a Reserve Champion in the Trad Other Draft Pure class.
and a fourth in Workmanship.
As for the rest they aren't even worth mentioning. I took eleven horses with me and because of the judge I mentioned before holding up the show with her own horses, I only got to show nine of mine before it got so late that I had to leave. The show was supposed to be over by 7pm, I left at 6 and there was going to be at least another hour till my last two horses classes would have been gotten to.
Needless to say I don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon. Live and Learn, I think I'll stay in the studio from now on.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New house and a Baby

Yikes has today been very, very busy! Today we(meaning my parents since I live at home) went to settlement on our new house and my younger sister decided to go in to labor a week earlier than her scheduled c-section. So now I have a new nephew to add to my niece and will soon have a brand spanking new studio not to mention my own lower level efficiency apt/ in-law suite. I see lots of back pain in my future Starting tomorrow we have to begin moving into the new house while at the same time moving my sister and her brood out of her apartment into our current house which she will be renting from our parents(of course she won't be able to help, again ) Not to mention getting my show string together for CRAB my very first show at the end of the month. Can we say insane?

Here is a pic of our newest addition with my niece, I still need to get some good shots of the new house and I'll have to post a tour of the studio once I get it set up.